Friday, February 10, 2012

Today's the day!

I've been going back and forth about starting a blog.  I read blogs from others,  and keep thinking this is something I need to do, but then the "computer and electronics" fear sets in, and I freeze up.  Today, I received a message, from a fellow quilter, encouraging me to go ahead and give a try.  So, here I am on day one of my blog.

I am a quilter.  It's not what I do for a living YET, but I love piecing quilts, and then putting them on the long arm, and quilting them into beautiful quilts.  I do quilt for the public, and have a fairly good business started, but I'm far from being able to quit the day job:)

So, ya'll bare with me.  I finally started, but figuring out how to do everything on this blog is going to be slow going.  Thanks for sharing some of your day with me. 

Have a blessed day, and I'll be back later.


  1. Hi Leslie, you have made a great start to your Blog, I am now a follower and will be bak
    Best Wishes

  2. Welcome to Blog Land Leslie, I'm joining and looking forward to following and also still learning daily blogging and longarm quilting and life. - Edith from Inch by Inch Quilting
