Sunday, February 12, 2012

Friend's are the best helpers in the world!

So, it's taken a few days to figure it out, and thanks to a friend that is much more computer savey than I (thanks Kelsey), we are slowly getting my blog page to look like I think I want it.  Changes are inevitable though, cause that's just how my brain works:)  I like one design today, then tomorrow, a completely different design catches my eye.  Maybe that's why I have so many projects in the works at the same time.  The quilt that is my current background was peiced by another friend of mine Ann T., and she generously allowed me to quilt it, and gave me permission to post it.  You can't really see it on here, but it's quilted with great big freehand flowers and leaves.

So, a few of the ladies I meet with at the Bernina store decided we would start a quilt from a book they found.  I can't remember the name of it right now, but I'll cite it later.  Anyway, it is for "master quilters" which I have decided I am not!  It will be 140 - six inch blocks when we finish.  Some are paper pieced, some are pieced using templates, and some are just plain ole peiced.  I have decided I do not like templates!  I have completed 4 blocks so far.  Here they are in all there glory:

Notice I already have one block slightly bigger than the others.  I can trim it, but then I lose my quarter inch border.  I can remake it, but I don't know if I have the patience for that.....I think I'll take a wait and see approach.  Maybe I can fudge the sashing and it won't be noticable.  That's my "master quilter" voice talking.  Ha-Ha

Well, that's enough for today.  Ya'll have a great day, and I'll be back later!


  1. Looks fun! I hopped over from the APQS forum today to follow your blog! I love that we quilters are always supporting each other! Good luck and enjoy.

    1. Thanks, I love the support we give each other too. When no one else understands us, we get it. Thanks for looking.
