Monday, May 21, 2012

Fabric Dyeing

Blue gradation
Well, I've decided to attempt fabric dyeing.  These are a few photos of my first attempt.  I only bought the three primary colors, and tried to blend them myself.  They look pretty good for a first attempt, but I did decide to buy more colors.  Who knew that the primary colors for fabric dye are, fushia instead of red, turquoise instead of blue, and then yellow?  It was an experience, but I think I got a pretty good color gradation, but the second and third from the bottom were very close in color, but there is a slight difference, which should be enough for what I plan to do.  This was supposed to be a blue / green gradation.  Next I guess I'll try a Red / orange.  Then, I would like to try my hand at batik or something with more than one color.

This is when the fabric was still wet.  There was a little more difference in the colors before they dried.

Here they are in the "dye vats".  I used easter buckets.  LOL


  1. Leslie, I'm enjoying your blog and have nominated you for a Liebster Blog award.

  2. Thanks Edith,
    To be honest, I'm so new at blogging, I don't know what that is, but I'm glad you are enjoying the blog. I've been very remiss in blogging lately. I need to get with it again.
